Sunday, March 28, 2010
All about me!
I like the TP to roll off the top, not the bottom
I don’t like Swedish fish
Fake people bug me.
I won’t step on the man-holes in the street. I had a dream I fell down one once
I don’t like having the TV on in one room and the radio on in the other, it’s to many distractions.
I want to move somewhere other than Ovid, Logan, Jersey, and Bountiful.
I love smiling, especially on men.
I love Anne of Green Gables
I like using pencils to mark my scriptures but I like using a pen for everything else.
My feet are shrinking. I used to wear 8.5 and not I’m 6.5-7.
I wish I were a morning person.
Sometimes I love getting all dressed up and being girley, but sometimes I just like to be average. Sometimes I love being alone.
I don’t like salt water taffy.
I love wearing hats, but I don’t very often.
My favorite thing about me is my eyes and laugh.
I love love love to travel,
Peaches are my favorite fruit.
I’ve had 9 jobs so far in my life. Babysitting, Berry picking, Erins, Bear Cave, Lakeside pizza, Kmart, teaching Karlie, Ink Solutions, and Lasting Engraving.
I had a scar on my forehead the size of a quarter from a curling iron burn
I’ve done a dance solo in front of hundreds of people.
I’m allergic to rabbits and eggs in my hair. (I used to use egg whites as mousse)
My favorite FHE’s were playing baseball in the field and going to Riverdale.
One of my favorite childhood memories was snuggling with my dad by the fire before school
I love brownies-not cake or pie
I love cinnamon rolls.
Science is my favorite subject.
I’ve always wanted braces but never had them.
My first kiss was over a toilet.
I hate it when people spell things wrong like boyz instead of boys, or karz instead of cars.
I used to not like raspberries because of picking them, but now they are ok.
I don’t like sewing clothes, but I like sewing other things
My favorite elementary school teacher was Mrs. Pedersen. Middle School was Mr. Heinzeman, and high school was Mr. Hill.
I miss the smell of the ocean which is weird because it used to make me sick.
It takes me a long time to like a clothing fashion. Example: fur-lined coats.
It bugs me when people wear sunglasses indoors.
When I was little I wanted to be an astronaut
I want to learn another language.
I love peanut butter.
I love Jackson Hole.
Band-Aids really do make me feel better
I love sandwiches.
My dream date would be an adult version of prom. I’d love to get all fancied up and go swing dancing.
Growing up my favorite Disney movie was The Little Mermaid
Sometimes the thought of having kids scares me.
I love blueberry and peach yogurt.
I don’t like power aid
I bite straws.
Men with earrings bug me.
I love the sound of rain on umbrellas.
I’ve never wanted to use drugs or alcohol.
I don’t like oldies music.
Spit on sidewalks makes me sick..
I’ve only been in detention 2 times in my life. One was in 3rd grade for a food fight and one in 7th grade for annoying Mr. Heinzeman. Both were with Chelse Matthews.
I hate touching or looking at chewed gum, even mine.
I don’t like red sauce
I love organizing!
I read newspapers and magazines for pictures.
Girls with white lipstick/chopstick freak me out
I can drive stick cars, but I’m not super good
I like evenly cut cheese.
I hate spaghetti
I used to do my hair then my makeup, but now I’m switching
I want to be a florist/photographer
There ya go! Hope we are still friends! ;)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thank you Diego
Honestly, I can't think of testimony without thinking of Sister Knorr. She was a less active that told us once that gaining a testimony was like having a baby. Ya, I was just as confused as you are. When she explained a bit more she said that a testimony is something you have to work for, it's all yours and it will grow with time. Elder Hales said, "The testimony received and carried within us enables us to hold a steady course in times of prosperity and to overcome doubt and fear in times of adversity." What are the parts of a testimony? This can be an issue in any ward, but sometimes especially in student wards. They turn into "thank-a-monies" or travel logs. When it comes down to it, a testimony is a simple statement of what you know. The foundation would be knowing that we have a loving Heavenly Father and that he has a son Jesus Christ that lived and died for us. Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration and that he translated the Book of Mormon by the power of God. One last part of a strong foundation of a testimony is that we have a current prophet called to lead and guide us today.
Now that we know what a testimony is, how do we gain one? In Alma 32:27 it talks about having a desire and exercising faith in that thing that you want to know about. So, if you want a testimony of the Book of Mormon, read it and live by it's teachings. A testimony is something like Sister Knorr said, is something that you have to work hard for. It all starts with a desire and grows through experiences. Not necessarily all bad experiences though. Jamie and I decided that we could tell a difference in homes where the priesthood is actively honored and kept sacred. All growing up I had that power in my home so it was something that just felt normal to me. However, after going into several homes on my mission and noticing the difference in homes that didn't have the priesthood, that experience strengthened my testimony even though I wasn't struggling I knew that the priesthood was a real power and something that is essential to have. Not only that, but experiences when we are struggling can be times of growth for our testimonies. The thing that first comes to my mind is when Kanatha died when I was on my mission. I felt like it was "sink or swim" for me. Here I had been teaching about how families were eternal and that God has a plan for us for over a year, but did I really believe it? I do! Elder Scott said, "A strong testimony is the unshakable foundation of a secure, meaningful life where peace, confidence, happiness, and love can flourish. It is anchored in a conviction that an all-knowing God is in command of His work. he will not fail. He will keep His promises." The thing is, it's not enough to just know what to do. It's like knowing how to cook, but never buying ingredients and actually making dinner. You'll starve that way. Same thing spiritually, you can't just know what to do, you have to do it. That's where being converted to the gospel comes in. Elder Christofferson said, "How can you become converted" How can you make the gospel of Jesus Christ not just an influence in your life, but the controlling influence and, indeed, the very core of what you are?" Having a desire and an open heart. Elder Oaks says, "it is not even enough for us to be convinced of the gospel; we must act and think so that we are converted by it. In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something. To testify is to know and to declare. The gospel challenges us to be "converted, ' which requires us to do and to become."
In the scriptures there is a great example of people being converted not just having a testimony. In Alma 24:6 it says that the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's were truly converted. They made covenants with the Lord and kept to them.
Elder Christofferson goes on to say that, "to be converted, you must not only open your heart to a knowledge of the gospel and the love of God, you must practice the gospel law. You cannot fully understand or appreciate it unless you personally apply it in your life."
The thing that I really love about testimony is that it's not a one time deal. I can ask anytime. Our loving Heavenly Father isn't going to say, nope...I told ya once, that's all ya get! In fact, church leaders have challenged us to do so. My only question how long has it been since I've prayed about my testimony of Joseph Smith. It's not that I'm questioning if he was a prophet or not, it's just adding another drop of oil to my lantern.
Monday, March 8, 2010
There are boys as wonderful as my daddy....
This is Kevin Jackson. He is from West Haven (Ogden-ish area). He has a wonderful family that is all musically inclined. His older brother was in my ward last year. If you ask him what instrument he plays he'll say, "the radio." Which might be true, but he sings, and plays the trumpet or something like that. One of my favorite things about Kevin is how funny he is. He doesn't think he's being funny or he doesn't try to be funny and that makes it even more funny. He served his mission in the West Indies. He is currently engaged to Chelsea Haws. He is studying Engineering of some sort. So yes, he's brilliant.
This is my little "Kader-tot" Ok, so his real name is Kade Richardson. He is from Roy and proud of it. Honestly, he is only partly a Roy-ite. He grew up in Pocatello for a long time too. He has siblings still in Idaho. He's the youngest in his family. Random, him and Kevin were in the same mission. They were never companions nor did they plan on being roommates, it just worked out that way. Small world. He is dang good at singing too. He loves life and being random, and I like that about him. He's very smart and going into economics I think. Honestly, I'm not quite positive what his major is. Oops! Sorry Kade, I'll learn that someday. One thing we both love doing is laughing at youtube videos and watching friends. He has a talent for finding the most HILARIOUS youtube movies. One of my best memories of Kade is when he proposed to me by singing a Taylor Swift song in the middle of KOHLS. HILARIOUS!!!
This is Shmandrew. Andrew Spratt is his real name, but we mesh words, so somehow his name came out Shmandrew. Andrew is from the land of Bounty. I know what his major is because he makes it known. (in a good way) He's an English major. One of my favorite things about him is that he wants to go to Princeton. YES! He wants to teach English, and he should because he is a fantastic teacher. He's always teaching me new words, or telling us about the latest book he's read. One thing that I love about Andrew is that he is so spontaneous. This picture is of him helping me make earrings over Christmas break. What boy does that? Oh Andrew does! He is up for pretty much about anything. He knows a lot about cars and loves watching Top Gear. He served his mission in Arizona and loves the fact that he's lived in a trashy trailer in Thatcher Arizona. This trailer was his favorite because of the noisy heater. And the hole in the window or floor, something like that. He said there was cactus in the back, but really I think he said that it was just a pile of leaves. I really love how freely Andrew gives compliments. The thing is that he means them.

This is Steven Haws. He is the sweetest man alive. He is honest, pure, hard working and absolutely wonderful. There is not a mean bone in his body. He is from Bountiful too. Kevin and Steven have been super good friends for a while and if you notice, Kevin is engaged to a Haws. Yes, it's his little sister. He is quite the matchmaker. Steven served his mission in Washington and was such a wonderful missionary. I love talking missions with him. I remember one night he came up, or somehow it ended up just being me and him in my apartment talking about the ups and downs of missions for a while. He is so pure and innocent. That's honestly the only way I can describe him. He laughs at everything I say, so naturally I love being around him. He makes me feel funny.
I love mostly knowing that 4 completely worthy priesthood holders live 32 steps away from me. Last week I was so stressed out and I asked them to give me a blessing. They came running up all dressed up and ready to help. I have learned something unique about myself because of something they have each taught me. I've loved being their neighbor and I love that we are eternal friends. We have soooooo many inside jokes, it's kinda ridiculous. BFF's forever boys! :)