Friday, July 23, 2010

Everyday is a winding road...

I sit here at Borders thinking how I wish I were more "Granola." Not a true blue granola person because call me crazy but I still firmly believe in, and quite enjoy, shaving my legs. Not only that, but I do have standards when it comes to the openness and use of sex and drugs. However, they do have a lifestyle that is ultra appealing to me. For those of you that might not be quite familiar with this term, according to the Urban dictionary (which is ALWAYS leaking with truth. *note the sarcasm*) being a granola person is "An adjective used to describe people who are environmentally aware (flower child, tree-hugger), open-minded, left-winged, socially aware and active, queer or queer-positive, anti-oppressive/discriminatory (racial, sexual, gender, class, age, etc.) with an organic and natural emphasis on living, who will usually refrain from consuming or using anything containing animals and animal by-products (for health and/or environmental reasons), as well as limit consumption of what he or she does consume, as granola people are usually concerned about wasting resources. Usually buy only fair-trade goods and refrain from buying from large corporations, as most exploit the environment as well as their workers, which goes against granola core values.The choice of not removing body hair and drug use are not characteristics that define granola people, and people, regardless of granola status, may or may not partake in said activities. This definition is sometimes confused with hippy."

For my life, and my definition of being a granola person is just someone that likes natural things. Keeping in mind that there is "moderation in all things." I like being natural and the atmosphere at Borders (yes, I Julia Parker AM in fact in a bookstore on my own free will. Don't fall over dead. ) gives me the feeling of naturalness. (This is my blog so I feel justified with the making up of new words.) Maybe in a weird unknown way, the smell of coffee makes me think of naturalness. This is what's on my mind as of now. One thing I am grateful for is that my wee little brain is fully capable of multi-tasking. I'm also thinking of my dang cute sun dress that I bought today. My next statement might completely contradict my whole idea of being a granola person, but I bought it at walmart. That is such a tisk tisk in the granola world. Walmart is compared to the devil for a true granola person. Since I'm not, I feel ok about making purchases at the said store.

Let's see....what else is on my mind, a lot. Mostly my love of people. Borders is SUCH a good people watching place, far more enjoyable than the Cache Valley Mall. Borders has free Wi-Fi so about once a week or so I'll take full advantage of that. This morning while paroozing around facebook sitting at my far back table my eyes appeared to be focused on my computer when in actuality I was eavesdropping on this random couple sitting on the table in front of me. This particular man and woman were assigned by me in my head to be a couple when who knows if that is actually the case. They seem like the type of people that frequent borders. They were "discussing" the local politics as well as national and international politics and issues. It was interesting to see their different opinions and how they expressed them. Maybe instead of being a couple, they were just sparing partners. You know those types of people, the ones that are just plain fun to talk about anything and everything with. For them, maybe they were that someone that enlivens every part of your communicative needs. Maybe that was them and there was no physical relationship between them. Huh, I like that situation better.
Right after my sparing friends left, their empty seats were replaced by a young girl I'd guess would be no more than 20. I named her Elise, she just looked like an Elise. She was using the Internet clearly for entertainment purposes. Whatever show she was watching obviously hilarious to her because she had the hardest time holding in her laughter. She'd have small convulsions everyone in a while when you could tell that her entire body was filled with laughter. Sometimes it was a little much for her to hold in as she'd let out small peeps every so often, then look around somewhat embarrassed to see if anyone noticed. That was my cue to resume my "EOC" which stands for eyes on computer. I could tell that she loved laughing so if I ever meet "Elise" I just know we'll be instant friends. It really is amazing the bonding power of laughter. It's like free friendship adhesive. Now that I think of it, there isn't a single friend that I have that I can't think of an instance that we've shared when we laughed so hard our stomachs ached. Some friends they happen more often than others, but laughter really does bring people together. I'm convinced that is one of the best feelings in the world. Those types of tears or stomach cramps are ALWAYS welcome with me.