Friday, December 24, 2010

"sorry about that....I must have been sleepin!"

I came down to Orem a while ago for a job interview. After it was over, I was on my way to Cam's house because he was sweet and made me lunch and when I was at the stoplight I saw in my mirror that this little red prius wasn't slowing down. Sure enough, he hit me. We pulled off into the parking lot that was right there. we got out and this is what had happened to my car.

After assessing the damage, he gave me his name and phone number. He had to have been 800 years old without a coat. It was dang cold so when he got back into his car I thought it was just to stay warm until the cops came, or to get his insurance information, but no...HE DROVE OFF! So here I am with a broken butt of my car. I called dad, the cops, the man, the cops again and nothin. He wouldn't answer and the cops wouldn't do anything since he left. To make a long story short, he was honest and called. His insurance paid for everything. It really wasn't a super big hassle, I mean it was, but not like it could have been. While my car was in the shop, they gave me this to drive. It's UGLY! Don't get me wrong, it was fun to drive, but so ugly. It's a Chevy HHR.
Anyway, I got my little car back a week ago today and it's been glorious. Overall, it wasn't super bad. All the companies involved were super nice and it turned out just fine.

Return and Report.

So, now that the year is all but up, here is the report on my new Years resolutions. I didn't get all of them done, but I did my best. Next year will be a lot of the same goals but different. Ha! Here we go!

1. For the entire year I will lose 52 pounds.
Well, I didn't quite make the 52 pound mark, however I did manage to loose 30. So over half! I still want to loose the other half. Let's say by July.
2. I will learn more about skincare products and neat new makeup tricks.
I didn't do super good at this, but I did learn some new natural home remedies for blackheads. One of them would be to take 1 cup boiled milk mixed with lemon juice and put that on your face. Not while the milk is boiling that would be painful, but soon after.

1. I will read the scriptures daily. After my shower when I'm awake and can actually think about what I'm reading. I will think for myself and improve my critical thinking skills.
I read the scriptures, but not usually after the shower, it happened just before bed. but I did better about thinking about what I was reading. I learned a lot.

2. I will study a specific gospel topic per month. So for January, besides my regular reading, I'm going to study the Law of Consecration. I haven't picked the other topics yet, but they are bound to be brilliant.
I didn't do this at all. The last few days I've been studying Elder Scott's talk from this past conference about faith and character and how they are intertwined. So that's been great and insightful. One thing he said that stuck out to me is that I have to be daily what I want to be in the end. So, if I want to be a runner, I have to run. If I want to be a journal writer, I have to write in my journal. huh, go figure! : )

3. I will write in my journal once a week. I'd like to work my way up to once a day, but that's not realistic, I know me and how faithful I am at journaling. Once a week on Sunday is definitely doable, so that's the goal.
I did sooooo good at this until school started. So, I'd say I was good half the year but I last checked and it's been since October that I've written in my journal. Shoot.

4. I will be a good missionary and bring one friend with me to church this year. I will continue teaching and helping the missionaries, but like the leaders of the church have said, they are the full-time teachers and I'm the full-time finder.
Diego came to church 2 times with me. He hasn't talked to me since I told him I didn't want to date him, but he came to church and the missionaries had two lessons with him.

Or Utah Valley University! Ya, plans changed on that.
2. I will finish my last CIL test before finals week of the spring test.
Well, I don't think I have to take these at UVU so I won't be taking them.

3. I will get no C's on my report card this semester
Oh!!! This one I did!!!! I got two B's and and an A. Whoot! Go me!

4. I will read 3 books other than the Book of Mormon.
I did this one too! Well, I haven't finished my 3rd book but I will.
I read two books this summer. One was about these old ladies in Philadelphia. I liked that one. I think it was called "The ladies of Tree Hill?" something like that. and the other one was weird. It was a murder mysteryish book. I don't remember what it was called that's how impressive it was. The third book had to be a book about energy and it's called "healing the inner self" somethin' like that. I did love it. If ya wanna borrow it, ya can! : )

1. I will make 12 new friends this year. Yes that's easy to do for me because I'm so wonderful and everyone wants to get to know me, but this goal is meant for quality friends, not necessarily just acquaintances.
I'd say I did this. Being relief Society President really helped with this. I met a ton of wonderful people. Lot's more than 12.
2. I will Blog daily. I know this might be a silly goal, but I feel that it will help with my weekly journal writing. Unless it is physically impossible, I will blog daily.
Ya, this was no good. I did good for what a week? This one was hard. Sorry.

3. I will Get Health Insurance. I'm not sure how this fits into any of my other category, but I figured that If I got health insurance I'd be more willing to go play with my friends and be more socially active because I wouldn't have the lingering fear that if I got hurt I'd basically have to die because I couldn't afford to get fixed. That's why I put it in the social section.
I technically did because I didn't get kicked off my parents insurance like I thought. Thanks to Obama I get to be on their insurance until I'm 26.
4. I will get out of debt. I owe my parental units money and they will be paid off this year. This will be quite the task and I will have to switch some things around in my budget, but it's completely possible. (This is another one that just got shoved into the social category. I'm sure it will somehow help me socially.)
This actually went the other way. I got more in debt because I apparently applied for a grant. I didn't want to pay the school back so I chose to pay my parents back instead so paying them off with take longer.

5. I will write Morgan weekly. I know how much I loved getting mail and he was soooo good at writing me, so I will write him every week.
I did really good at this until November then it went ALL down hill. School got busy with transferring schools so he got put on the back burner. Sorry Buddy!
6. I will have one solid relationship this year. Not an emotionally constipated one like the relationship of 2009, but a normal, healthy, good relationship.
YES! I did this one too! I'm in love with Cameron and it's SUCH a good relationship. He's wonderful!

Here are some of the highlights from the year.
My very first surprise birthday party! So much fun! Thanks Jamie and Jamie!

February wasn't to exciting. I was super sick pretty much the whole month. But I did love my two roommates. I love the Keller girls!

in March, my wonderful roommate Sarah Walton became Mrs. Sarah Palmer. I loved her wedding in the Draper temple. She was gorgeous. It was a wonderful day!

In April, my bestest Yamie Joung married the one and only Steve Brown. I love them both! That was another wonderful day I won't forget!

in May a group of my friends and I went on a CRUISE!!! It was a lot of fun, and SOOO pretty!

In June I gained another Brother-in-law. Scott Tomlin. I sure like him! many weddings this year!

I LOVE the 4th of July! Petrine took me to the Stadium of Fire in Provo and that was awesome, but this picture was at Jamie's house just doin' our own fireworks.

In August I moved back into my apartment with my girls, and Holly! :) I love them, but these were the only roommate pictures we got all semester. Sad!

September gets a few pictures because A LOT happened. This is of our ward retreat activity that Trevor Mahoney and myself planned. It was a Hawaiian Luau. It was a lot of work, but awesome!

Of course our infamous Jackson trip was in September. SO MUCH FUN!

I ran my first 5K. It was a lot of fun. 32:54 (I think anyway)

October also gets more than one picture because October was epic. For Halloween the Kellers were my conscience. and these are our other Jake.
Cameron and I started dating! See! I said October was epic! : )

Cam's birthday was in November.

December I moved to be closer to this wonderful man!

and I think this is pretty much my year! Whoo!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Laughing stock: cattle with a sense of humor.

I know that the title of my post has nothing to do with what the post will actually be about, but I just thought it was funny. As for the post, the banner at the top has a lot to do with what's going on. Let me back up about 2 months. Yes, here we are in for the long haul!! First off, Cameron finally kissed me a few days before Halloween. Joel was in the Middle East and Darci had asked me to help her with her kids. We went to "How to Train Your Dragon" in the theater. We were cuddling through the movie and halfway through he turned my chin and kissed me ever so gently. (sorry, that was uber cheesy but that's how it was.) Since then, things were going relatively smooth in life until Utah State decided to ruin my life. Not quite that dramatic because it's all turned out nicely, but in the moment I was full of rage. I've been working with the head honcho sociology advisor Eddy Berry for a while, like almost a year and a half, planning all my classes and in what order I was going to take them and so forth. I went to register a while ago and I couldn't register for a few of the classes I was supposed to take and I couldn't find the other half of the ones I was supposed to find. Turns out there was a bunch of conflict with classes needing prerequisites emailed my advisor which then opened the flood gates for the drama to come spewing into my life. The shortened version of it is that I couldn't register because I hadn't taken the math placement test and in order to even make anything possible I had to email the professors and ask if I could take them all concurrently. No one was emailing me back, or calling so I went almost the entire week with no classes and no answers to know if I could even get classes. Friday was the day that we were going to have a birthday party for Cameron at Jamie's house but little did I know that that day was going to be such an emotional day. I'd been stressed out all week with no answers but excited for Cameron's birthday party and even more excited to give him his present. (I sewed an elephant on the front of an ugly sweater.) After school that day I went and took the Math placement test which was HORRIBLE! I didn't know any of the answers and the lady was being a real crapface. As I was walking out of the test knowing that I hadn't passed I saw that there was a voice mail from Eddy. Yes, the phone call I'd been waiting for ALL WEEK!!! While listening to her message she told me nothing new. She basically regurgitated the information I'd been asking her about all week. Big mess. Needless to say I was 40 minutes late for work because my test took a long time and I was somewhat paralyzed because I was crying so hard. Here was the problem. I could still go to USU and finish my 7 classes, but the way it was set up was it it would have taken me 3 semesters. NO THANKS! I'm not taking a year and a half to finish 7 classes. So work was hard that day because I couldn't concentrate worth crap. Erin was super nice and went and got lunch for us and stayed and talked to me. After work I went to Jamie's still nervous to tell Cameron. He'd called me to see how the test went, but I was not in the mood to talk about it with him right then. I got to Jamie's and still had about an hour before I had to pick him up from the train. I picked him up and pretty much melted right then and there. He was all dressed up and he looked DANG GOOD! He's super cute! On the way back to Jamie's he asked me why I didn't call him back and I said that we'd talk about it later because I knew that if I talked about it right there I'd be a mess and you can't be a mess when you're about to have the birthday party of the century! Uh uh! We had a lot of fun at the party then after when it was just me and him, I told him everything. I told him of the frustrating day and what I was stressed about. He took it like a champ! He had a brilliant idea of me transferring to UVU. I'd thought of that, but not more than "oh, that'd be nice to be at UVU so I could be close to him." The next day we went to the temple and out to lunch with my sisters. Funny story, while were at lunch, when we were ordering the man asked for a name for them to call when our food was finished and without thinking, Cam said "George!" I had to try soooo hard to hold it in! I tell people a fake name when I meet them for the first time (don't worry, I don't do it all that often) but I've never thought to do it to the food people. I guess I'm worried that I'd forget the name I told them then I'd never get my food, and that's NOT ok. But it was funny and definitely one of my favorite moments with him. Anyway, when I got back to Logan I started the "change my life" ball rolling, (of course after praying about it and making sure it was right) I got accepted to UVU, got housing, sold my contract at Bridgerland, and had a few job interviews. I moved here and things have been great there was only two setbacks of a car wreck and a close call with being homeless for a night. (those get their own posts, they're that good!) But ya, I live in Wolverine Crossing now and it's great! I have my own room and AND bathroom! I do love it here.