Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WARNING: extremely cheesy!

Consider yourself warned because the cheeseyness thereof IS exceedingly great.
As most new brides do, I want to mush and gush over how fantastic my handsome husband is. He really is somethin' wonderful. I'll make a top 5 and we'll see how that goes.

5. Honest--
He is honest about everything. That's all there is to it.
4. Numbers--
He loves numbers and can do anything with them. Whether it's an address or the scores of our Mormon Bridge game Cameron is really good with numbers.
3. He knows everyone--
I swear wherever we go we hear "CAMERON" He knows someone seriously everywhere we go. A few weeks ago we were walking out of the temple after doing a session and he knew one of the photographers doing one of the weddings that day. Another time was on Memorial Day when we went to Folklife in the thousands of people he managed to run into two friends from High School. I thought I was a social butterfly! I can easily say that he's got me beat.
2. Movie Quotes--
Cameron thinks in movie quotes. No joke! His favorites to quote are Mean Girls, Ferris Bueler, and various SNL skits. I find myself saying, "what's that from" less often because I'm slowly remembering which quote goes with which movie or skit. Go me!
1. Laughing--
Cameron and I laugh a lot. For example, a while ago I was telling him the story of how my dad is a slow driver. One time as we were driving somewhere I made the comment after seeing the "Reduce Speed Ahead" road sign that with dad's driving I didn't think that we could REDUCE anymore. He thought that was funny but later when we were at the grocery store we happened to get behind the oldest and slowest people in the entire town of Shoreline. One time after waiting what felt like a year for an old lady to pick her tortillas and move from blocking the entire isle he said quietly to me, "Reduce Speed." hahahahahaha. I laughed so hard. I'm sure no one on earth thinks it is as funny as I do, but I thought it was absolutely hilarious.
A few other times would be the first day he came home from his internship. That is something that is forever in my memory. I was so anxious for him to come home and when he did, he came bursting in the door exclaiming, "Honey I'm home!" I ran to greet him with a big hug and kiss. We started telling each other about the adventures we both had that day but as we did so we were laying on our bed wrapped up in each other's arms giggling like little children that had just pulled a long thought-out prank. (Remember that I gave you fair warning as to the cheesyness of this post)
Another one was last night. We had just finished up playing games with Grandma and Grandpa Byrd (I almost won both of them, I might add) when we came down to get ready for bed. For some reason Cameron was in the weirdest mood. He laughed at everything. It all started off with this youtube video that we both love and adore and quote QUITE often.
Isn't that funny!? We think so, anyway Cameron has the cutest smile when he laughs. His dimples make me smile every time. I can't explain how I love the way his lips are perfectly above his I-teeth. That might be weird, but I love it. We laugh over everything mostly because he only thinks in movie quotes. I would bet that Cameron's vocabulary is broken down as follows: 75% movie quotes, 15% stats, and 10% his own original words. He is too smart for his own good. :) We do laugh at everything. It makes life splendid!

I could go on, but we have to speak in church on Sunday and I must prepare that talk. Just know that I love my husband a lot and think that he is wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, newlyweds are sooo cheesy! :) However, I don't have any room to talk since "technically" I'm still one. And I have to say I feel the same about my wonderful husband in totally different ways and for, of course, different reasons. But it's always fun to read your cheezyness. Be sure to document it in a journal or something for posterity because your kids and grandkids and great grandkids and so forth, will absolutely love to read it.
