Sunday, February 26, 2012

Look out Gladys Knight!

I've decided that I'm carrying the white version of Gladys Knight. This baby LLLOOOVVVEESSS music! She goes crazy almost every time! For example, this morning Cameron sang with the men's chorus at a group home for at risk boys and girls (like the one I work at) called the Heritage School. Well, honestly he didn't just sing for them, he was one of the two speakers! There were about 50 out of the 180 from the choir present. This was a non-denominational service for the kids there. The lady from Heritage quickly introduced the men's chorus and turned the time over to Cameron to introduce the rest of the program before his talk. His talk was wonderful. He spoke on trials. He shared two personal stories about two types of trials. The first type that you can control and trials that you can't. His example of a trial he couldn't really control was of when he broke his shoulder when he was a junior in high school. His trial from something he could control was when he stole the pinata from his Spanish class his senior year. (I think it was senior year, not sure.) He did a great job really putting life in perspective in just a few minutes. I was such a proud wife! One of the songs they sang was a gorgeous arrangement of the hymn "Did you think to pray." I was really excited to hear this one because Cameron has sung this one at home a lot and just raved about how good it was. However, the moment they started singing our little girl WENT CRAZY! I literally thought she was going to jump out of my belly right then and there. I've NEVER felt her so wiggly. It was so funny to feel her that much but it was very distracting. I couldn't help but laugh and hold my belly tight so that she wouldn't jump out. I'm sure the girl sitting next to me was thinking that I was being so rude and disrespectful for giggling through a spiritual hymn. If only she could have felt what I was feeling, she would have giggled too. The next few hymns she didn't move nearly as much but this time when she moved it was frequently on beat. What a girl! She's going to be a singer and dancer, that's all there is to it. She's got too much rhythm not to be.
One of my favorite things about being this far into the pregnancy is feeling her recognize things. I'm convinced she knows Cameron's voice because she always wakes up when he gets home. It's the sweetest thing! She's already a daddy's girl. She's obviously got the concept of, "I'm so glad when daddy gets home" down. She also moves a lot when he sings. Which means she moves a lot because Cameron is ALWAYS singing. Makes me happy.
As far as the latest pregnancy quirks go, I can't touch my toes anymore. Funny story with that. When my sister Darci was pregnant with my nephew Evan (I'm pretty sure that was the situation, I could have the kids mixed up but this is how I've always thought about it.) my other nephew Adam came to Darci one time and said, "Mom, can you touch your toes?" Darci couldn't very quickly to which Adam responded, "That's ok mom, you can't because you're a little fat huh." I've thought of that many times and in a strange way it's made me feel better about not being able to touch my toes.
Another thing is heartburn. I used to get it about once every day or every other day super bad but now it comes 3-4 times a day and isn't very painful, just annoying. My theory is because I'm now taking cayenne pepper capsules. I have no clue if that's the reason why but the heartburn didn't change until I started taking those pills. I don't know which type I'd prefer over the other, painful or frequent.
I'm sure with the kids to follow I'll want to know what pills/herbs/vitamins I did take while being pregnant and what I thought of them. So, here is the list.
1. Generic brand of a prenatal vitamin.
2. Juice Plus or Juice Festiv
3. B-Complex vitamin. I started taking this because a while ago I kept having really bad nightmares. I happened to mention this problem to Melody and she suggested I take more B-Vit. I did along with having Cameron give me a priesthood blessing and I've only had 1 since then and this all happened around Christmas time. It's worked like a charm!
4. Liquid trace minerals. I absolutely HATE taking this. I take about 25 drops with a meal once a day and it's disgusting. Needless to say I'm not as faithful at taking this as I should be.
5. Cayenne Pepper. Apparently this helps with blood clotting.
6. Pulsatilla. Somehow this was supposed to help her move from a breach position into a normal position. It apparently worked because at my last apt. she was head down.
7. Spike Nard. I'll start taking this at week 34. I haven't done much research on it but it's supposed to help have a good birth. It was also mentioned in the bible with Jesus so it has to be good. : )
8. Floradix. This is an iron and herbs thing. I've only taken the samples she's given me because it's really expensive so I only take samples when she gives them to me.
That's all! My top drawer where I keep all of these is quite the pharmacy! She said to keep doing the routine that I've started because the baby is right on schedule. She said that she thinks the baby is just over 3 pounds. At my last appointment I was 30 weeks and still measuring at 34 cm which is what I measured at 28 weeks. So my body is slowly catching up to where it should be. She said I have a bit more fluid but it's not a problem. Extra fluid makes me nervous because when my sister Jodi was pregnant, she was huge and had A LOT of fluid. That's how they knew something wasn't quite right with her baby. But, I'm sure it's just my paranoia.
I think that's all! I'm working on a darn cute quilt for her. I'll hopefully post pictures tomorrow. I was thinking that it would take me until she's born but it should be finished in a few days. So now I'll have to get a bigger crochet hook, then I can finish a crochet project I've wanted to do.

1 comment:

  1. Julia, I LOVE you! Thank you for posting how much she loves music, singing, and her daddy's voice. Are you reading stories to her yet? I ran out of quilt thread so until I get the dark brown quilt thread you've bought, I've put the quilt away against the wall in the sunset, boating room. So glad to hear how you're measuring and the list of things your midwife is recommending you take. I'm learning a lot after working in an OB/GYN office for 8 years. Time for scriptures & prayer. You all sleep tight too. Love, Mom.
