Sunday, April 22, 2012

8 days and counting...

Being pregnant has really made me wonder about my own birth and how my mom felt when she was pregnant with me when compared to my siblings.  A few things I think are cool about my pregnancy and birth is that I came to my mom in the temple and specifically told her that I was to be her little girl.  I had blonde hair and blue eyes and my name was to be Julia.  I think at least, I might not have been that specific but still, pretty neat. All I know about my birth is that when Dr. Daines delivered me he said, "Yup, another Parker baby."  That didn't sit well with my mom because after all the hard work of labor and delivery all he can say is that I looked like a "Parker baby."  That isn't much of a compliment because Parker babies are notoriously ugly.  We turn out OK but as babies we are ugly.  I think I was about 2 weeks "late" since I was supposed to be born around Christmas.  Honestly, I'm grateful for that.  I wouldn't want my birthday any closer to Christmas.  I like it where it is.  That's about all I can remember my mom telling me about me.  I know that when my mom was pregnant with Darci she thought that it was either an octopus or a dang mean boy because she was really active and always punching and moving inside the womb.  It's so different today because we had an ultrasound and know that we're having a girl, but back 30ish years ago they didn't know before the baby was born.  I don't think I could be that patient, but I guess if there wasn't a choice then I could be patient.  Let's see, I know my mom thought she ate to many cherries and that's why she was sick when she was actually pregnant with Jamie.  I know Jodi was born at home because labor progressed faster than they expected and they didn't make it to the hospital. I don't know anything about Emily or Morgan's births but I do know my mom puked up her guts pretty much the whole time she was pregnant with us.  That's all I know about my mom's pregnancies.
Comparing that with my own pregnancy, I'm pretty dang lucky.  I haven't puked at all.  I just have been extra tired pretty much everyday.  In the second trimester I still felt pretty good. I got more headaches and a pinched nerve or something in my back but after working on having good posture and drinking more water that went away.  I also had HORRIBLE nightmares.  I mentioned it to Melody and she suggested taking a B-complex vitamin.  We got a bottle and Cameron gave me a blessing and I haven't had one since.  In the third trimester I've felt great too.  My belly button doesn't really stick out.  It used to only when I would laugh and flex those muscles but now the top half sticks out a little.  It's nothing like some ladies though.  Some ladies get the "turkey button"  where it sticks out through the shirt and it's just a little weird looking.  I haven't gotten any new stretch marks and my feet haven't swollen hardly at all.  Sometimes my fingers and feet will, but it's not really noticeable to anyone else but me.  I've had contractions a lot more than I recognized.  At first when I thought of contractions, I just thought they could only be painful, but after reading online that they don't have to be before true labor starts I've had a lot.  One thing that I think is kind of unique to my pregnancy is that I felt the baby drop.  It was about the 10th or so that I was sitting at work and I could just feel a lot more pressure in my pelvic area.  It hasn't ever gone away, it's just gotten worse.  It used to be that when it would hurt if I'd change positions it would be fine, but now it hurts standing, sitting, or laying.
Now that we are 39 weeks pregnant and considered "full term" it's hard being patient and realizing that she'll come when she's ready.  No matter how far I walk she is staying put until she's ready to come.  It's hard waiting, but I'd rather have a healthy baby than a minor discomfort in my pelvis.
We have everything ready for her, we just are patiently waiting to meet our darn cute little bambino.

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