Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Every end is a new beginning"

We finally made it to April which is hopefully little Addison's birth month! Since we can now count down the weeks until she is born I figured it was time for a new update on the pregnancy. I reached the point about two weeks ago that I'm tired of being pregnant. Honestly, I've had a great pregnancy but I am ready for it to be over. I'm a lot more uncomfortable a lot more of the time. I get tired easy and have to sleep a lot to function normally but can't seem to get a full nights rest. Joanna, our landlord that lives above us, let me borrow her pregnant body pillow which was such a lifesaver the first two days, then I didn't use it for a while because I could get more comfortable just using an extra blanket but now I'm back to using it. I have slept better the last few nights but still not as I'd like. My feet and hands are swollen but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at them the just feel swell. I've been hoping that Grandpa Parker would call me so that when he asks me how I'm going I can respond, "SWELL" but that hasn't happened.
Addison sure likes to have nightly dance parties! It starts usually around 9 and lasts for about an hour or so. It gives Cameron and I quite the laugh just watching my belly roll and wave back and forth.

I've started reading this hypnobirthing book and it is wonderful! I just read last night about how important it is to not have fear when giving birth because the hormone that is released actually constricts the muscles of the uterus which obviously makes birthing a lot slower and more painful. I've really learned a lot from this lady and am working on practicing the relaxation techniques she suggests so that when labor does finally start I won't be scared and can have a wonderful birth.

I have the most incredible visiting teacher. Her name is Marci Lindgren. She has been so faithful in coming every month even though her partner never comes with her. I honestly don't know who her partner is. She is so much fun to talk to about the message for that month as well as life in general. Get this, years ago, she also was due on April 30th with a girl which was born on April 30th and they named her April. Weird huh? Anyway, she is serving in the young women's with another amazing woman named Deon Thomas that used to be my visiting teaching partner but is now the lady I go to. These two women got together and threw me a baby shower at Marci's house last week. It was so much fun! We had a lot of great food that Deon brought. We got spoiled! They put on a quilt for us which was finished right there at the shower. It was fun because Marci asked me to invite my friends here in Provo so it was fun to see my friends with the ward members. Yesterday during conference I got all of the thank you notes written and then before priesthood session Cameron went running and delivered them all for me. What a great man! We really are blessed. Other than paying Melody for all the prenatal appointments and the package of sleepers we bought the day we found out it was a girl we have been given everything else. Whenever she decides to come she will have a new outfit to wear everyday for at least 2 months or so without having to wear the same outfit twice. Granted I'm not expecting to keep her in the same outfit all day since she'll most likely have a blowout or two which will necessitate an outfit change multiple times a day. Cameron and I are extremely grateful for the wonderful family and friends we have to help us prepare for our little Addie.

I know this isn't the best picture of her and she does look a bit different now since she always has her hair super curly but this is Melody Pendelton, our wonderful midwife. Oh, and I have no idea who the baby is, it was just an image I found online. Melody really has been so great and I've felt 100% confident with her during the whole pregnancy. I'm sure we'll get some more up to date pictures of her at our birth, but this is what we have right now.

Well, I think that's about all for the update. We are just getting the last few things in order for Addie and for the move up to Seattle. I have to pray everyday for patience because I want here here now so that I can love on her from the outside and so that I don't have to be pregnant anymore! And I'd also like to be able to make some set plans for the next month or so, but I will be patient because the more patient I am the more time she has to grow. I can do it!


  1. I had 5 babies without any pain meds at all. Just be willing to let the contractions do their job and get her here. Don't fight them, work with them. Hollywood does not get it right at all. I just want a baby whose lungs are developed enough to breathe on her own. READ, and be kind to yourself these last weeks. It will pay off forever. I love you. Mom.

  2. The white booties are done. Can you post a picture of the dress you got for her to be blessed in? Thanks, Mom.
