Monday, July 23, 2012

The perfect month.

I saw the other day on my friend's blog that she does this thing called "the perfect month." She picks one thing that she wants to be perfect at for that month. She's done a month of perfect scripture study and a month of perfect running. I thought this was a genius idea because 1. I can work on just one thing at a time so I'm not overwhelmed and 2. It makes me accountable if I've set this specific goal. So, with that said this is going to be my month of perfect lunges. I've been working on toning my legs and lunges are something that I've dreaded but do the most good. So, starting today July 23, 2012 I will do at least 20 lunges everyday, except Sunday. I will try and report everyday if not once a week on my progress. I'm really excited to do this because I will feel good about setting a goal that is definitely achievable and my legs will look better. Here we go!
Lunge recap--it was almost a perfect month of lunges. Not a perfect month for reporting about it, but the actual lunges themselves I did ok.   I know I missed Aug 6th. That was the day we moved from Lori and Kevan's house back to Grandma and Grandpa Byrd's house and I just completely forgot. I also think I missed a few days right before Kayla's wedding.  Being sick, last minute wedding helps, and getting ready to move to Utah were the things I thought of, not lunges.  I do feel proud that I stuck with it as long as I did. It wasn't easy but it was a good first try. I should have measured to see if there were any changes, but I didn't.

Perfect Month #2...Flossing.  Cameron is REALLY good at this. He's flossed everyday for a year and a half. So, it shouldn't be a super hard thing to remember to do since he'll do it with me.  So, September 24-October 24th I'll have a perfect month of flossing. I feel my teeth and gums rejoicing now.
So, now that it's November 13th, I'm getting around to being accountable for perfect month #2. I ROCKED!!!! I think there was only 2 days that I missed in this specified time frame but I've continued to do it everyday so that makes up for it right? I love having clean teeth. My sister-in-law Kayla should be proud.

I haven't decided what the next perfect month will be but I'll decide soon. Perhaps reading to Addie. I don't do that quite as often as I should.

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas. 20 lunges per leg? You're inspiring. Thanks!
