Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fabulous Fall

So, I love love love the fall. It's my favorite. I love the smells, the trees, the colors, the fun sweaters, and I love that it gets cold which gives me the opportunity to bundle up to cute boys! Oh ya! I can't think of fall without thinking of the wonderful fall I spent on my mission in Princeton. New Jersey isn't the garden state for no reason. There are so many trees and they are GORGEOUS! So, as a walk down memory lane, here are some rockin awesome fall pictures.

This was Thanksgiving day. It was in the 70's! This was an old road that we drove past once a week. We were on our way to Thanksgiving dinner when we decided that today was the day we were going to get pictures of our favorite road.

There was one house off to the left, but that's it. Wouldn't it be nice to be away, but not really away from it all? I love this dead end street.

Sister Brown and I were "doubled" into Princeton. That just means that neither one of us had been there before, so we had to learn the area together. We were two little Idaho girls in Princeton trying to find our way around. Needless to say we got lost A LOT! I really didn't mind though becuase look at's GORGEOUS!

These pictures don't do my memory of it justice. Just trust me, you can't help but smile when you see all of the trees different colors.
