Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hooplah...of the Julia sort.

So, lately my life has been crazy, wonderful, crazy-wonderful, stressful, bliss, basically you name the emotion and it has managed to weave itself into my life life these past few weeks. Here's the update. Halloween was OK. I've decided it's not my favorite holiday. I enjoy dressing up but I definitely have to be in the mood. I love the colors and smells of fall, but I don't particularly enjoy Halloween. We managed to make it eventful none the less. Our ward had a costume contest/party/meat market mingle/FHE the Monday before Halloween. Thanks to Darci, Jamie got to me my Mr. Yes yes, I was Mrs. Potato head, and Jamie was my Mr. Potato head. We wowed the other ward members with our amazingness and ended up winning the contest. That was fantastic because the prize was dinner from the bishopric. On the actual Halloween day, I spent the morning studying for my giant sociology test. (I'll have you know I only missed 8. That was pretty dang good. I'm quite proud of this!) So I studied for a while, when I heard a knock at the door and it was my friend Niels. He's my home teacher and also dating my roommate Sarah. She wasn't home so he sat down and chatted for a while. While he was there we heard another knock at the door and whom should appear? That's right, the cutest little 50's kid's you've ever seen. (Except when I was a 50's girl.) We had a grand ol' time with the Johnson kids. After they left I studied for a bit more then had to go to work. When I got home, we already had plans to have a little girls night/anti-Halloween party. My friend Rochelle and Jamie and I watched a movie and ate Ore's. It was splendid. That was my Halloween. Good, but just another day. Oh! The day before, my friend Matt Smitheram came down from Pocatello to visit. We were just playin at Jamie's apartment when she got asked to go babysit the Adam's kids (Brother Adams is the 1st councilor in the bishopric in my ward.) When they (Jamie and Rochelle) left Matt and I decided they couldn't come back to a normal apartment. So we tried to build a tower out of books in the middle of their apartment but we didn't have enough books and the books we did have weren't strong enough to make a tower that would please Matt and I. So....I had some leftover string in my apartment and so we decided to string their apartment. We had so much fun. We turned up the music and made a giant spiderweb-thing.

I'm not sure that these pictures do it justice for how cool it looked. So that was fun to do. They left it up for a while but their one roommate got frustrated with it and took it down. Good times were had by all. The next adventure would be our "Bride and Prejudice night." It's the story of Pride and Prejudice told by Indians from India. Of course we had to dress up for such an event so we invited our neighbor boys and a few other friends and danced our little hearts away trying to learn the amazing dances they have in the movie. We even put a dot on Judice the cat. She's our apartment mascot. We love her.
So, that basically brings us up to speed on what's going on in my life. Work is good, school is stressful beyond all belief but good still the same.

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny and I'm glad you're just as silly as me, most likly more!
