Saturday, February 13, 2010

Checking in..

Nothing says Happy Valentines day like a reporting of my goals thus far. Let's see...So far I've lost 6 pounds. I've done so good at walking to campus. I only can go to the gym Tuesday and Thursday mornings but the rest of the days I walk to and from school. I've done good at eating smaller portions and less sugar, so I'm down 6 pounds. According to my scale at least, Trevor's said a whole other number yesterday....that's NOT OK with me. I haven't really learned much new on the makeup tricks yet though. I have learned some cool facial exercises. I look and feel silly doing them, so I only do them in the shower.

As for the Spiritual part this saddens me. I've done good on everything else, but I think there has been a few (less than 10) days that I haven't read my scriptures. And I totally forgot about my goal for specifically studying a gospel topic, so I didn't do that either. I still want to study the Law of Consecration, but I just haven't done that yet. I will repent and do better. I have written in my journal once a week. That's the one I thought I'd have the hardest time with! I'm working on finding someone to go to church with me. I was thinking of Diego to come again, but he hasn't talked to me in a while, so I don't know how that is going to work out. Someone else will be provided I know it.

Mentally, I'm still working on graduation, it's still a way off. I will take the CIL test after spring break and before finals, so not yet. So far I've got all A's in my classes, but we've got a few mid terms coming up, so we shall see and I haven't read any other books yet, but I will start one soon.

Socially I'm doin' awesome. My friend for January is Aramantha VanDeuser. Crazy cool name huh? She's great. She is in 2 of my 3 classes and she's wonderful. She doesn't really have a hometown, she moved a lot as a child but when ya really ask her, she'll say that she's from Vegas. She has one brother and one sister that is her roommate. She is thinking about minoring in Sociology with a major in Physical education? I'm not sure. When I had my dumb cold a while ago, she was so sweet and took notes. I really like her a lot. She's gorgeous too! I'm still working on the debt thing, I think I'm a little behind schedule, but I also bought a car so now I have another payment, so the debt goal might be altered a little. I don't have health insurance yet, but I did finally get a hold of the lady that's been helping me. I'm working on all of these so I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I've done fantastic at writing Morgan every week. Sometimes I mail the letter on Friday, so he has gotten 2 in one week before but I still have mailed him a letter every week. As for having a solid relationship, cross that off! Yes, it's with Trevor, but things are so good. He is so sweet and has really stepped it up a bunch. We have had some wonderful talks and really gotten to know each other. I like him a lot. He spoiled me like CRAZY for Valentines day. It was so much fun, Valentines day gets it's own special post to come later. Just know that I feel that this is a solid relationship. I'm not sure where it's going to lead to, but he has really been wonderful and so much fun to date!

So, that's me lately. I'm happy as ever! Life is good!


  1. Good Blog. So glad to hear you're happy as ever! Keep it up!

  2. When I grow up I wanna be like you!! ;):)

  3. Shoot James...that could be a problem because when I grow up I wanna be like you. we are going to be like each other? Can't we just stay being us and being friends? How does this work?
