Monday, January 11, 2010

I am the gate keeper of my own destiny...

Since they are my goals, I have the right to modify them right? This blogging daily is a lot harder than I thought and a lot less important than I thought. So, I'll shoot for every other day. We'll see how that goes. OK, backing birthday was wonderful. I got a boyfriend and a billion friends to show their love. It was so great. Long story short, Joel and Darci had a fantastic party for me on Sunday. They made super cute signs. ( As you can see by the way Georgia is posing by her dang cute sign that has me as a 24 year old balloon.) We ate cobbler and played twister. Thanks Johnson's! Then on Tuesday, Jamie(sister) and Jamie(friend) had a surprise birthday party for me. It was in Bountiful and so great. We ate sloppy joes and veggies that Jamie was so wonderful to prepare and Jamie Young was in charge of inviting everyone. Wow. I loved it.

My cake was awesome! Trevor helped me decide what to do. Yes, it was a bunch of oreos stuck in a gallon of ice cream. Isn't that the epitome of delicious? I think so! So, the whole Trevor thing goes as follows. He hadn't talked to me for 2 weeks, he called, he came to my Birthday party and brought me gorgeous Gerber Daisy's and then asked me to be his girlfriend on the way home from the grocery store. We worked out the kinks of our relationship and started a new and improved Trevor and Julia relationship. He really is wonderful! I think the world of him. It's been SOOOOO much better in the one week we've been dating again than it was before. Our communication is a lot better and he's starting to be more mushy which I love. I went sledding with him at Mountain Dell this past weekend. We had SOOO much fun and the best part is was that there were no broken bones! Yeah! So, I don't know why it's underlining everything, but I'm to tired to figure it out. My first day of school was WONDERFUL! I love my classes. They are going to be hard and challenge me, but that's what it's supposed to do right? Life is good. The end. Or as Trevor would say, The beginning, the middle AND the end.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know when you're feeling better. Rest & water. Can't get too much. I sure love you alot and am glad you had a great birthday.
