Friday, January 1, 2010

What would New Years be without resolutions...

I had a FANTASTIC New Years party last night. I'll write about that later, but now it's time for my goals of 2010. In church last week they suggested that we let others know our goals so they can help achieve the goal, so that's your job to help keep me motivated. Another thing that was mentioned in church last week is how setting goals is a form of repentance because we are changing, growing and progressing towards something higher. Isn't that so true? Somewhere in Mark, maybe Matthew, Luke, or of those books, it mentions how Christ grew physically, spiritually, socially, and mentally. Since that's my ultimate goal is to become like Him, I have centered my goals this year on developing in those four areas. Before I get to the goal part itself I was reading my scriptures this morning; I finished the Book of Mormon and the last chapter is absolutely splendid! Moroni 10:23 is going to be part of my motto for this new year. It says, "And Christ truly said unto our fathers: If ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me." I feel like my 2010 goals are "expedient unto Him" and I have the faith that I can achieve them, so therefore I can do all things. Yeah! Isn't that refreshing to know that we have that power? Backing up a bit verse 7 of that same chapter says that He worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men and that he is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. Wow! If he is the same, and the miracles can be the same, then there really isn't anything I can't do.
I've been thinking about miracles lately because last week at Grandma Sorenson's, her and I were watching dramatized stories from the Old Testament. When learning about Moses and all of the events that went into that story, it got me thinking that if God can cause all of those plagues to come and then leave, then he can for sure help me learn to play the violin. He endowed them with his power so why not me? With that in mind, here are my goals for this new year. Some are a little cliche, but they are good and that's why they are so repeated.

1. For the entire year I will lose 52 pounds. Now for all you genius math people, yes...that's one pound a week. I'm aware that it might not exactly work out that way, but I'm sure some weeks will be a zero week, and others will be a 2 or 3 pound week. One pound/week will just be the goal that I'm shooting for. Going along with that, I'm going on a cruise in May and I'd really like to be down 20 pounds by cruise time. -sigh- just writing this out sounds a little overwhelming. But, with my new shoes, bra, pants, shirt, and ipod, I'm all set.
2. I will learn more about skincare products and neat new makeup tricks.

1. I will read the scriptures daily. After my shower when I'm awake and can actually think about what I'm reading. I will think for myself and improve my critical thinking skills.
2. I will study a specific gospel topic per month. So for January, besides my regular reading, I'm going to study the Law of Concecration. I haven't picked the other topics yet, but they are bound to be brilliant.
3. I will write in my journal once a week. I'd like to work my way up to once a day, but that's not realistic, I know me and how faithful I am at journaling. Once a week on Sunday is definately doable, so that's the goal.
4. I will be a good missionary and bring one friend with me to church this year. I will continue teaching and helping the missionaries, but like the leaders of the church have said, they are the full-time teachers and I'm the full-time finder.

2. I will finish my last CIL test before finals week of the spring test.
3. I will get no C's on my report card this semester
4. I will read 3 books other than the Book of Mormon.

1. I will make 12 new friends this year. Yes that's easy to do for me because I'm so wonderful and everyone wants to get to know me, but this goal is meant for quality friends, not necisarrily just aquantinces.
2. I will Blog daily. I know this might be a silly goal, but I feel that it will help with my weekly journal writing. Unless it is physically impossible, I will blog daily.
3. I will Get Health Insurance. I'm not sure how this fits into any of my other category, but I figured that If I got health insurance I'd be more willing to go play with my friends and be more socially active because I wouldn't have the lingering fear that if I got hurt I'd basically have to die because I couldn't affort to get fixed. That's why I put it in the social section.
4. I will get out of debt. I owe my parental units money and they will be paid off this year. This will be quite the task and I will have to switch some things around in my budget, but it's completely possible. (This is another one that just got shoved into the social category. I'm sure it will somehow help me socially.)
5. I will write Morgan weekly. I know how much I loved getting mail and he was soooo good at writing me, so I will write him every week.
6. I will have one solid relationship this year. Not an emotionally constipated one like the relationship of 2009, but a normal, healthy, good relationship.

Those are the goals I want to acomplish for the year, but there are a few others on my "bucket list" that will take me a bit longer to acomplish. A few of these would be:
1. Learn the guitar again,
2. Learn the violin or cello, hopefully both
3. Dance in the conference center. I want to be a dancer in one of the plays they put on there.
4. Ride a horse in another state.
5. Travel to all 50 states and some other country.
Those are just a few of the things I'd like to acomplish within my life.

One last scripture to top it all off would be verse 32, still in Moroni 10. It says, "Yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ; ye can in nowise deny the power of God." Isn't that good? As I set goals and make plans to come unto Christ I will be blessed and endowed with power from on high. I have do this with real intent but that's ok becuase it's complelely possible.
Enough said...GO TEAM!

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